


2024年秋季的第一个月(8/26 - 9/26), over 97% of students 和 96% of faculty have logged into 黑板上. 

在2024年秋季学期的前30天内, 超过100万的用户登录了黑板上. Bb remains the number one application accessed on a daily basis.  


The eLearning team is here to help you maximize the potential of our learning management system! 每周三加入我们的团队 用于黑板上 Ultra午餐和Learn虚拟办公时间, 在线学习人员将从哪里为您提供帮助 12点到12:30.m

如果这次不成功,记住你的 网络学习联络 总是可用的 磋商.





Whether you've been teaching online or hybrid courses for several years or are just getting ready to start your first semester teaching hybrid or online, 欢迎各层次的专业人士加入我们 在线 & 混合型教师学习社区.


  • Support new 和 experienced online/hybrid faculty through dialogue 和 samples
  • Explore best practices associated with online/hybrid teaching 和 learning
  • Identify emerging technological needs to support online teaching 和 learning
  • 分享跨学科的集体专业知识




The Panopto内容保留策略 is an automated process for managing storage 和 organizing unwatched videos. Please note that this policy is currently under review 和 will be presented at several university committees to help ensure that it aligns with our collective needs 和 goals. This policy plays a vital role in keeping our video storage aligned with our Panopto space allocations.


1月1日开始, 2025, Panopto videos that have not been viewed within 13 months will automatically be transferred to the Panopto Archive. 这个过程将在每个月的第一天继续.

这意味着从2月1日开始, 2026, videos that have been in the Panopto Archive for 13 months 和 unwatched for 36 consecutive months will be automatically deleted from our system. 这一过程也将在每个月的第一天进行.

档案中的视频无法观看. 然而, 可以手动恢复,这将恢复所有功能. Any user trying to access the archived video can initiate the restoration process. If your archived video is embedded within a 黑板上 Ultra course, 学生用户可以手动恢复. 恢复可能需要长达48小时才能完成.

请参阅 Panopto内容保留策略 以获取更多信息.



技巧1.  评论图书馆
Do you have comments that you use repeatedly in your feedback? 这个资源 能帮你创建一个评分评论库吗.

技巧2. 个性化您的评分与音频或视频反馈
审查 这个资源 以帮助您将视频或音频反馈添加到“成绩簿”. 黑板上 also provides auto-captioning to increase accessibility for students .

技巧3.  如何设置综合成绩栏
The overall grade is a calculated item that you build to show students a running tally of all the items that you grade 和 post.  看到这个 资源 以设置综合职系栏. 

技巧4.  合并课程?  使用过滤器来隔离你的成绩书的部分
使用 这个资源 按课程部分筛选成绩单.  

技巧5. 你提供在线评估吗?  进行问题分析
使用 本问题分析资源 to isolate statistics on your individual assessment questions' overall performance 和 assessment quality.

提示6.  Are You Curious About How Much Time your Students Spend in your Bb Course?  
使用 分析报告工具 to gain key insights into how students use the tools, content, 和 assessments in your course.

请查看se other most commonly used Gradebook functions:


今年夏天, eLearning introduced 黑板上's AI Rubric Design Assistant, a tool to help instructors create grading rubrics more efficiently. In 这个视频推荐, Krisanne Chapin from the Department of Movement Science shares how it has streamlined her process. 请查看 知识库文章 或者报名参加一个 有关使用此功能的指导的网络研讨会.

Microsoft's Azure OpenAI powers the Assistant 和 does not collect personal data. 所有课程信息都保存在黑板上中, 和 none of the data is used to train the AI or shared externally. 有关资料私隐的详情,请参阅 微软的Azure OpenAI隐私政策Anthology的值得信赖的AI方法.




Every month the staff of 电子学习技术 puts together an email newsletter featuring announcements about what's new in campus instructional technology, along with timely hints 和 tips for your digital teaching journey. You'll also want to stay tuned each month to find out what new features have been added to 黑板上.

如果你没有收到我们的每月通讯, 请花点时间注册.



我们欢迎教师联系他们的专职 网络学习联络人 无论何时你对Bb Ultra的功能有疑问. 请随意设置一个 咨询 有关其他指导或故障排除帮助. Our top priority is timely support, 和 your feedback is essential.


充分利用黑板上 Ultra



黑板上 releases new features 和 functionality on the first Friday of each month.  看到 发布时间表 和 发布说明 每月和即将推出的功能和改进.



Anthology, 黑板上's parent company, loves hearing from its users. They've created a website where the community can share their thoughts on 黑板上's future. 我们鼓励所有的教师 报名参加思想交流 so they can add their own suggestions 和 vote on ideas offered by others. 文集工作人员定期与思想博天堂官方互动, providing updates on if 和 when new features 和 changes will be added.







Sure, 黑板上 Learn Ultra has a new 和 improved interface. More importantly, though, Ultra also works better than 黑板上 Classic. 看看我们的名单 什么在Ultra中更有效."

你的学生对Bb Ultra的评价

在秋季学期结束时, Anthology 和 Information Technology teamed up to host an Exam Cram event, 分布在2上,000 donuts 和 hot chocolate to mark the transition to Bb Ultra across the Health, 狄维士, 和艾伦代尔校区. 学生们对奥特拉表示满意, 突出其用户友好的导航, 简化作业提交, 现代设计. 审查 他们的额外反馈 with associated 资源s to help you maximize 黑板上 Ultra.


新到极致? 查看我们的 超护理套装 有关入门的重要资源和提示.




电子学习技术 provides a wide array of services 和 资源s designed to facilitate a cohesive 和 seamless digital learning experience for students at GVSU -  through supporting faculty in delivering high-quality, 高影响力, 高参与度创新教学. 

We support faculty, contribute to teaching excellence, 和 enhance student success through:

  • 艾德尔
    Exemplary Instructional Design for 在线 和 Hybrid Courses
  • 科技教学
  • 黑板上
  • 这座桥
  • 我们还与原子对象合作 技术展示 为GVSU带来创新的新兴技术.

电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)
电话: (616) 331-2101

小时: 周一至周五上午8:30至下午4:00


"Supporting faculty pursuing innovation in teaching 和 learning."

Credits: Bird Tangram Puzzle by irene hoffman from NounProject.com ; Light Bulb by Numero Uno from NounProject.com ; newsletter by Ethan from NounProject.com
